针对新型冠状病毒肺炎,贝斯特官网入口游戏大厅主页开通了线上专家咨询服务。为了避免交叉感染,市民可以通过扫码或搜索关注“贝斯特官网入口游戏大厅主页”官方微信公众号,在线上对有关新型冠状病毒肺炎问题向专家进行咨询。 Online specialist consultation for COVID-19 is now available from Shenzhen Children’s Hospital to prevent cross infection. Please follow the hospital’s official Wechat account by scanning the QR code to consult with our specialists online. 关注并进入“贝斯特官网入口游戏大厅主页”微信公众号后,点击屏幕左下方“智慧医院”,在“院内服务”栏目中点击“新冠肺炎咨询”即可选择相对应的科室专家进行咨询。 From the official Wechat account of Shenzhen Children’s Hospital, select “智慧医院” (Intelligent Hospital) menu on the lower left side in Wechat. Click on “新冠肺炎咨询” (COVID-19 consultation), then choose the relevant department/doctor for your consultation. 步骤一: |